Livro infantil ilustrado, escrito em português (Brasil), com texto de Celina Bezerra e ilustrações de Lhaiza Morena. Editora Inverso, 2019, brochura, 23 x 18 cm, 28 páginas.
Lucas era um menino querido e gostava muito de brincar - ele nem imaginava a companhia que iria ganhar! Quando sua irmãzinha nasceu, eles brincavam juntos, uma beleza! Corriam no sítio que tinha todas as cores da natureza. Ela estava sempre contente! Sabrina era uma menina albina, o que a tornava diferente! Conheça a história dos dois!
Faixa etária: 4+
Children's picture book, written in Portuguese (Brazil), text by Celina Bezerra and illustrations by Lhaiza Morena. Editora Inverso, 2019, brochure, 23 x 18 cm, 28 pages.
Lucas was a lovely little boy and he much enjoyed playing - he couldn't imagine the company that was coming for him! When his little sister was born, they played together, it was a joy to watch! They run around the place which had all the colours of nature! She was always happy! Sabrina was an albino child, which made her different from the other little girls. Come and meet them both!
Age group: 4+